The Akiko Method®

Akiko is an interpreter, translator, and teacher. She has been translating English into Japanese and vice versa. Meanwhile, she has been teaching English to Japanese-speaking people and Japanese to English-speaking people. Besides, She has learned multiple languages herself: German, Italian, French, Latin, and so on.

From her experiences, she believes that in language learning, you can understand any difficult things if you divide them into small pieces and arrange them in the correct order. She has applied this method to how she teaches her students and it has proved successful. This is how the Akiko Method® was born. She is good at creating and arranging steps that you can follow easily. Before you know it, you will make great progress.

In language learning, it is important to be exposed to your target language every day. It is better to study a little every day than to study a lot one day but avoid studying for the rest of the week. Accordingly, the website provides more and more articles about different topics for you to read. Each of them is fun, short, and practical. To learn grammar effectively, you might want to challenge grammar quizzes and watch grammar videos. If you join our online course, our daily support will help you to pace your studies well and learn a language efficiently.


Akiko Method®(アキコメソッド)では、語学ごがくは、どんなにむずかしそうにえても、ちいさな断片だんぺんけ、それらを適切てきせつ順序じゅんじょならべて、順番じゅんばんひとつずつステップをんでいけば、かならずマスターできるとかんがえています。Akiko Method(アキコメソッド)™は、一人ひとりひとりの個性こせいとニーズにわせてステップをつくったりならえたりすることが得意とくいです。むずかしいとかんじることなく学習がくしゅうができるよう工夫くふうしています。

