
Soba are noodles made of buckwheat and wheat flour. They are served either hot in a seasoned dashi broth or cold with a soy sauce-based dipping sauce.

Hot soba are topped with various ingredients such as green onions, tempura, a raw egg, and deep-fried tofu. Cold soba sometimes come with dried shredded seaweed, a raw quail egg, and wasabi.

Japanese people eat soba on New Year’s Eve, hoping for good health and longevity for the coming year. Soba are believed to symbolize longevity because of their long shape.

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Udon are thick, springy noodles made of wheat flour. They are often served in a hot soy sauce-seasoned dashi broth. Typical dashi broth is made from water, dried kelp, and bonito flakes.

There are a variety of toppings for udon: deep-fried tofu, green onions, kelp, an egg, tempura, processed fish paste, and so on. One of the most popular toppings is sweetened deep-fried tofu.

Udon are very popular among people of all ages and widely available at restaurants in Japan.

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Car suspension

The suspension of a car enables it to drive smoothly on the road. This system absorbs bumps and jolts caused from driving on rough road surfaces and maintains driving stability. A suspension system mainly consists of a coil spring, a shock absorber, and control arms.

Coil spring: This supports the car body and keeps the tire in firm contact with the road surface.

Shock absorber: This reduces the bouncing movement of the spring and provides a comfortable ride.

Control arms: These connect the car body to the wheel and keep the wheel upright.





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Screw anchors

Screw anchors are used to fix objects to walls where screws do not work effectively. A common type of screw anchor, which is used for plasterboard walls (drywalls), is called a drywall anchor. It is a plastic tube.

A drywall anchor    is inserted in a predrilled hole in the wall, and then a screw is set in it. As the screw is driven into the anchor, the anchor expands inside of the wall, and it is secured to the wall.

*drywall anchor (AmE) = wall plug (BrE)



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Screws have screw heads and threaded shafts. You can tighten or loosen them with a screwdriver. When a screw is driven into a material, it generates friction between the thread and the material around it. This prevents the screw from sliding.

<Types of screws>

Flat head screws and round head screws: These are bolts with heads. There are slot head screws and Phillips screws.

Bolts: These are screwed into nuts or threaded holes.

Machine screws: These are small bolts.

Set screws: These are screws that have no heads.





ネジ(ビス): ちいさなボルトです。


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Origami is a traditional Japanese papercraft. A square piece of paper is folded into various shapes. One of the most popular origami is cranes.

One thousand origami cranes strung together on strings are called senbazuru. Cranes are a symbol of longevity and good luck. Therefore, it is believed that if you fold one thousand origami cranes, your wish will come true. They are also made for others as a prayer for their recovery from illness.

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Furin (Wind chime)

In summer, you can see wind chimes hanging from the eaves of houses here and there. A wind chime consists of a bell made of glass, metal, or ceramic; a clapper; and a strip of paper.

You can enjoy the soothing sound it produces when the wind blows. You can notice the wind through the sound of the chime, which evokes a feeling of coolness.

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Ryokucha (Green tea)

Ryokucha or green tea is Japanese tea. Japanese people drink it very often. We drink it before, during, and after meals; and many more times during the day.

The tea leaves of green tea are the same as those of black tea. The biggest difference is that green tea leaves are unfermented, while black tea leaves are fermented.

There are different types of green tea. The most popular green tea is called sencha. Powdered green tea is called matcha. Roasted green tea is called hojicha.


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Otsukimi (Moon viewing)

Japanese people have a custom of moon viewing during the night when the moon is most beautiful and brightest in the year. The moon on August 15 in the lunar calendar is called the harvest moon. In today’s calendar, the day changes depending on the year, but it falls on a day somewhere between mid-September and early October.

This moon-viewing custom originated in the Tang Dynasty, and was introduced to Japan in the Heian period. People appreciate and honor the moon by displaying pampas grass and making an offering of rice dumplings to the harvest moon.

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L36: Quiz (2)

Translate the following sentences into Japanese.

1. I live in Tokyo.
2. Ms. Nishi, where are you now?
3. I like beer.
4. Mr. Tani likes beer, too.
5. What kind of food do you like?
6. I don’t like alcohol.
7. Tiffany is good at Japanese.
8. Tiffany is not very good at tennis.
9. This is Percy’s pen.
10. Percy and Tiffany like chocolate.

Possible answers:

1. (わたしは)とうきょうに すんでいます。
(Watashi wa) Tokyo ni sunde imasu.
2.  にしさん、いま どちらですか。
Nishi-san, ima dochira desu ka.
3. (わたしは)ビールが すきです。
(Watashi wa) beer ga suki desu.
4.  たにさんも ビールが すきです。
Tani-san mo beer ga suki desu.
5. どんな たべものが すきですか。
Donna tabemono ga suki desu ka.
たべものは なにが すきですか。
Tabemono wa nani ga suki desu ka.
6. (わたしは)おさけは すきじゃないです。
(Watashi wa) osake wa suki ja nai desu.
7. ティファニーさんは にほんごが じょうずです。
Tiffany-san wa nihongo ga jouzu desu.
8. ティファニーさんは テニスが じょうずじゃないです。
Tiffany-san wa tennis ga jouzu ja nai desu.
9. これは パーシーさんの ペンです。
Kore wa percy-san no pen desu.
10. パーシーさんと ティファニーさんは チョコレートが すきです。
Percy-san to Tiffany-san wa chocolate ga suki desu.

Very good!

If you did not do well, review Lessons 30 to 35.

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L35: particles の (no) and と (to)

Translate the following sentences into Japanese.

1. Tiffany and Percy are students.
2. Mr. Tani is a member of the English club.

1. ティファニーさんと パーシーさんは がくせいです。
Tiffany-san to Percy-san wa gakusei desu.
2. たにさんは えいごクラブの メンバーです。
Tani-san wa eigo club no member desu.

Good job!

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