
During take-off, the wings change their shape to generate lift. The leading-edge and trailing-edge flaps are extended to increase the area of the wings.

On the other hand, the elevators on the tail are raised. This deflects the airflow and generates a downward lift force. As the tail drops, the nose rises and the airplane goes up.



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The four forces of flight

There are four forces that act on aircraft: lift, weight, thrust, and drag.

・Lift: a force generated by wings that holds an airplane in the air

・Weight: a force caused by gravity that pulls an airplane down

・Thrust: a force generated by propellers or jet engines that moves an airplane forward

・Drag: a force caused by air friction holding an airplane back.

Lift opposes weight and thrust opposes drag. If lift is greater than weight, the airplane moves upwards. If thrust is greater than drag, the airplane moves forwards. Lift depends on thrust. Therefore, without thrust, the airplane cannot maintain lift.







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The cross-sectional shape of an airplane wing is called an airfoil. It is curved, and has a rounded leading edge and a sharp trailing edge. Due to the airfoil, air passes above the wing faster than air passing below. Faster-moving air has a lower pressure than slower-moving air. This difference in pressure generates lift, forcing the wing upward.

The amount of lift changes depending on the angle of attack. The angle of attack refers to the angle between the chord line (imaginary straight line connecting the leading and trailing edges) of the airfoil and the direction of the airflow. As the angle increases, the lift also increases.



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