Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. There is a penguin over there.
2. There aren’t any sheep here.
1. あそこに ペンギンが います。
Asoko ni penguin ga imasu.
2. ここに ひつじは いません。
Koko ni hitsuji wa imasen.
Exploring places, nature, and a life well-lived
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. There is a penguin over there.
2. There aren’t any sheep here.
1. あそこに ペンギンが います。
Asoko ni penguin ga imasu.
2. ここに ひつじは いません。
Koko ni hitsuji wa imasen.
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. How many teacups are there on the table?
2. There are five teacups on the table.
1. テーブルに(は) ティーカップが いくつ ありますか。
Table ni (wa) teacup ga ikutsu arimasu ka.
2. テーブルに(は) ティーカップが いつつ あります。
Table ni (wa) teacup ga itsutsu arimasu.
Good job!
Look around you. What can you see? What do you miss?
[Location]に(は) [ ]が あります。
[Location]ni (wa) [ ] ga arimasu.
[Location]に(は) [ ]は ありません。
[Location] ni (wa) [ ] wa arimasen.
Very good!
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. What will you eat?
2. I’ll eat curry.
3. I’ll drink beer.
4. Where are you going to eat lunch?
5. I’m going to eat lunch at home.
6. Chocolate is sweet.
7. The Shinkansen isn’t slow.
8. The hotel is beautiful.
9. The Japanese language is interesting.
10. The test isn’t easy.
Possible answers:
1. なにを たべますか。
Nani o tabemasu ka.
2. (わたしは) カレーを たべます。
(Watashi wa) curry o tabemasu.
3. (わたしは) ビールを のみます。
(Watashi wa) beer o nomimasu.
4. どこで ひるごはんを たべますか。
Doko de hirugohan o tabemasu ka.
5. (わたしは) いえで ひるごはんを たべます。
(Watashi wa) ie de hirugohan o tabemasu.
6. チョコレートは あまいです。
Chocolate wa amai desu.
7. しんかんせんは おそくないです。
Shinkansen wa osoku nai desu.
8. ホテルは きれいです。
Hotel wa kirei desu.
9. にほんごは おもしろいです。
Nihongo wa omoshiroi desu.
10. テストは かんたんじゃないです。
Test wa kantan ja nai desu.
You did great!
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. I am not energetic.
2. The table is not clean.
3. The shopping mall is not quiet.
1. わたしは げんきじゃないです。
Watashi wa genki ja nai desu.
2. テーブルは きれいじゃないです。
Table wa kirei ja nai desu.
3. ショッピングモールは しずかじゃないです。
Shopping mall wa shizuka ja nai desu.
Good job!
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. The shopping mall is bustling.
2. Percy is energetic.
3. The smartphone is useful.
じょうずです!(Jouzu desu!) (Yes, じょうずです is also a na-adjective!)
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. The wine is not cheap.
2. I’m not busy now.
3. The Shinkansen is not slow.
1. ワインは やすくないです。
Wine wa yasuku nai desu.
2.(わたしは)いま いそがしくないです。
(Watashi wa) ima isogashiku nai desu.
3. しんかんせんは おそくないです。
Shinkansen wa osoku nai desu.
Very good!
Translate the following sentences into Japanese.
1. Curry is spicy.
2. The Japanese language is interesting.
3. The Shinkansen is fast.
1. カレーは からいです。
Curry wa karai desu.
2. にほんごは おもしろいです。
Nihongo wa omoshiroi desu.
3. しんかんせんは はやいです。
Shinkansen wa hayai desu.
Very good!
Please answer the following question.
いつも どこで たべますか。
Itsumo doko de tabemasu ka. いつも=always, usually
どこで のみますか。
Doko de nomimasu ka.
[ ]で たべます。
[ ] de tabemasu.
[ ]で のみます。
[ ] de nomimasu.
Please answer the following question in Japanese.
What will you eat and drink today?
わたしは [ ]を たべます。
Watashi wa [ ] o tabemasu.
[ ]を のみます。
[ ] o nomimasu.
Very good!
When we add the numbers, we use the + sign. Then, we use the = sign to show the sum.
<Examples of addition>
1 + 2 = 3 (One plus two equals three.)
4 + 5 = 9 (Four plus five equals nine.)
1 + 2 = 3 (1たす2は3)
4 + 5 = 9 (4たす5は9)
A clock has 12 points. Each point represents one hour or five minutes. The short hand points to the hour, while the long hand points to the minutes.
<When the long hand points at the 12>
When the short hand is pointing at the 4, it is 4:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. Likewise, when the short hand is pointing at the 5, it is 5:00 a.m. or 5:00 p.m.
<When the long hand points at the 3, the 6, or the 9>
When the long hand points at the 3, it is a quarter past the hour (15 minutes after the start of the hour).
When it points at the 6, it is a half past the hour (30 minutes after the start of the hour).
When it points at the 9, it is a quarter to the next hour (15 minutes to the next hour). This means it is 45 minutes after the start of the hour.
<Word problems>
① The short hand is pointing between the 1 and the 2 and the long hand is pointing at the 3. What time is it? - It is 1:15.
② The short hand is pointing between the 7 and the 8 and the long hand is pointing at the 6. What time is it? - it is 7:30.
③ The short hand is pointing between 11 and 12 and the long hand is pointing at the 9. What time is it? - It is 11:45.
① 短針が1と2の間をさし、長針が3をさしているとき、何時何分ですか。-1時15分です。
② 短針が7と8の間をさし、長針が6をさしているとき、何時何分ですか。- 7時30分(7時半)です。
③ 短針が11と12の間をさし、長針が9をさしているとき、何時何分ですか。- 11時45分です。