Latitude shows the distance north or south from the Earth’s equator. Lines of latitude run parallel to the equator. Therefore, they are called parallels.
Longitude shows the distance east or west from the prime meridian. Lines of longitude run from the North Pole to the South Pole. They are called meridians.
<Five important lines of latitude>
Equator: This is the line of zero degrees latitude, which divides the Earth into the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.
Tropic of Cancer: This line is approximately 23 degrees north of the equator.
Tropic of Capricorn: This line is approximately 23 degrees south of the equator.
Arctic Circle: This line is approximately 66 degrees north of the equator.
Antarctic Circle: This line is approximately 66 degrees south of the equator.
<The most important line of longitude>
Prime meridian: This line divides the Earth into the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere.
赤道: 緯度0度の線で、地球を北半球と南半球に分けます。
北極線 :北緯約66度のところにあります。
本初子午線: 地球を東半球と西半球に分けます。