語学はどんなに難しそうに見えても、小さな断片に分け、それらを適切な順序に並べて、一つずつステップを踏んでいけば必ずマスターできると考えています。Akiko Method®(アキコメソッド®)は、一人ひとりの個性とニーズに合わせてステップを作ったり並べ替えたりすることが得意です。難しいと感じることなく学習ができるように工夫しています。
Akiko is an interpreter, translator, and teacher. She translates between English and Japanese and vice versa. Additionally, she teaches English to Japanese speakers and Japanese to English speakers. Moreover, she has learned multiple languages herself, including German, Italian, French, and Latin.
From her experiences, she believes that in language learning, you can understand difficult concepts by breaking them into smaller pieces and arranging them in the correct order. She has applied this method to her teaching, and it has proved successful. This is how the Akiko Method® was born. She excels at creating and organizing steps that are easy to follow, leading to significant progress before you know it.