浅間牧場/Asam Farm



The cows on Asama Farm look happy and relaxed on the large ranch. This farm is designed to raise cows by allowing them to graze on grass in cool conditions and get healthy before returning to their respective dairy farms.

To prevent the introduction of diseases from outside, visitors are only allowed to walk on designated promenades, except during guided tours. (It’s still quite spacious!)

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浅間山/Mt. Asama





When my parents visited my village early this month, I took many photos and made a photo book. The photo on the cover was taken from Asama Farm.

You can clearly see Mt. Asama in the picture. The photo book also includes selected images of Onioshidashi Park, the cabbage fields viewed from Aisai no Oka (hill), the scenery seen from Aisai no Kane (bell), Manza Onsen (hot spring), and Karuizawa.

Mt. Asama is often shrouded in clouds, so even when you are nearby, it may not always be visible. When it does appear, I am overwhelmed by its majestic and solumn presence. Although it is an active volcano with tremendous power, which might sound intimidating, I live my life trusting in its generousity and blessings that nurture the plants, bring rain, and shelter living creatures.

Still, not a day goes by without being mindful of the natural disasters that have occurred in the past. Mt. Asama teaches me that there are forces beyond human control, and it reminds me to respect the animals and plants that share its embrace and to live humbly in harmony with all of nature.

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森の夜/Night in the Forest




The first thing that struck me when I moved here was the size of the stars I could see. The stars in various constellations appear impressively large in the absence of light. You can see countless small stars around them, as well as the Milky Way. (I thought it was a cloud, but it turned out to be the Milky Way). On clear nights, you can see many shooting stars.

Today was the harvest moon. Although there were a lot of clouds, I could see the moon clearly. The round moon illuminated the night sky so brightly that I thought it was dawn. Usually, the forest is pitch black. The apperance of the sky is very different with and without the moon. Today, it looked exceptionally bright.

Wild rabbits and flying squirrels should be active at night, and there may also be snakes. The woods at night seem scary, and I dare not walk there after dark.

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There are many butterflies on the highlands. I enjoy taking pictures of butterflies and learning their names.

Butterflies that look identical at first glance sometimes prove to be different when I look closely, and the more I study them, the more confused I become. I also have to pay close attention to the underside of their wings.

I think the butterfly in the photo above belongs to the genus Pieris, but I am not sure whether it is a Pieris melete or a Pieris napi (green-veined white).

I believe the one in the photo below is an Argynnis paphia(silver-washed fritillary).



There are more than 10 species of fritillaries, but I can only notice the differences in their patterns when someone points them out to me, which makes me realize just how insensitive my eyes are.

There are also rare butterflies that exist only in the highlands, and there are people working to protect them and their habitats. I would like to learn more about butterflies and their conservation efforts.

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Lake Baragi/バラギ湖

Yesterday, I went to Lake Baragi. A landscape similar to the lakes of the Alps spread out across the plateau. (The cold air is similar, too.) You can see Mount Azumaya on the other side of the lake. The surrounding area is a campsite, where some people were pitching tents. On the lake, others were enjoying kayaking and fishing. I’m sure the starry sky is beautiful at night. In winter, the lake freezes over, and you can pitch a tent on the ice and fish for smelt.


Autumn flowers were blooming, and many butterflies fluttered around. On the promenade, butterflies seemed to guide us by saying, “This way, this way.” The 2km course passed quickly as I enjoyed observing rare flowers and insects.


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Upside-Down Ceder/さかさ杉

Gunma Prefecture has a tradition of learning about local history and culture through karuta (a traditional Japanese card game), and Tsumagoi Village also has its own “Tsumagoi Karuta.”

One of the cards reads, “Kumano Shrine’s upside-down cedar.” This is my favorite cedar. When I first visited it with my husband (and our dog, too) two years ago, I was convinced that God was present in the sight of the mighty cedar tree growing in all directions. As we approached to say hello, thunder suddenly started to roar and we hurried out of the woods. It remains one of my most unforgettable memories of Tsumagoi.

Earlier this month, when my parents came to visit, we went to see it together. It was still just as impressive. This time it didn’t rain and we were able to take a leisurely look. My parents said that the cedar tree gave them energy, and they look at the photo every day with gratitude.




We climbed the stairs of Kumano Shrine and were surrounded by silence―although my bear bell was noisy.


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Highland Weather/高原の天気

The weather in the highlands is changeable and weather forecasts are often unreliable. Just when I think the blue sky is beautiful, it suddenly starts raining. This is because updrafts are created along the slopes of mountains, forming clouds. It usually stops again after a while.

In early summer, many birds, such as warblers, were singing, so when the birds’ voices suddenly became quieter, I could predict that it would rain, but the songs and the types of birds have changed. Therefore, instead of relying on the birds, I try to predict rain by sensing the flow of cool air.

Autumn arrives early here, and some leaves turn dark or yellow, and others prepare to fall. However, when it rains, the trees look as if they are trying to come back to life again. The rain in the highlands is gentle on the plants and animals.





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Manza Ushiike Pond/万座の牛池

Many creatures live in Manza Ushiike Pond.

Because it is acidic and very clear, you can clearly see what is inside. I was worried when I saw a brown frog (Rana ornativentris)  floating weakly, but suddenly it seemed to regain its energy and swam away smoothly. A yellow wagtail hopped on the branches, checking out the pond. Around the pond, many dragonflies (Aeshna crenata) were buzzing as they flew about. I also found a large shed exoskeleton.

I wanted to watch it for a long time, but I thought there might be a bear nearby (I didn’t want to disturb it), so I limited my observation to a short time.




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Gentian Flowers/エゾリンドウ

I drove up to Manza Highland, where I saw a lot of gentian flowers blooming, and the blue sky was clear and deep. Autumn has arrived.

Every time I visit, it looks different. On a sunny day, you feel refreshed, but being surrounded by clouds and fog is also fantastic.



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Challenges of Country Life?/移住の悩み?

Summer here is cool and comfortable, but I hear that winters are extremely cold. Many people ask me if I am okay with the cold. I cannot say I am absolutely positive about this. However, given that my husband is from Hokkaido and that I have experienced temperatures of -20 degrees in the Alps region of Europe, where I lived when I was young, I am optimistic that things will work out. Rather, I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful snowy scenery and feeling the cold air sharpen my senses. Let’s check to see if it is really okay when winter actually comes.

Also, not a few people ask me if my country life is inconvenient. Strangely enough, I have never thought of it as an inconvenience, even though it is not convenient at all. It is true that there are no supermarkets or convenience stores within walking distance, so I have to take a car or a bus to run my errands. However, the scenery on the way there and back is so beautiful that I often arrive at my destination in a daze. Traveling itself is fun.

In addition, I am very grateful that a food delivery service comes from far away every week, which is very helpful. Apart from that, I also enjoy the process of going to my favorite store to choose my favorite vegetables. Shopping in person is an exciting experience.

Time passes here differently than it did in the city. I am discovering that behind the convenience, there is a lot of fun that I might have overlooked.

(The photo shows cabbage fields. Cabbage and corn are delicious here.)






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Adventure Begins/冒険の始まり

A lot has happened since I last posted, and now I live in a forest (the one in the photo). For about three years, I split my time between two locations, traveling back and forth between Hyogo and Chiba prefectures. However, in July of this year I made the move to the forest.

I loved the beautiful rural scenery of Chiba Prefecture (Kazusa) and wished I could have stayed in Chiba forever. Over time, though, I gradually became attracted to both the forest in this village and the village itself, which I had once visited by chance. When I found a nice place to live, I decided to take the plunge and move.

In the southern part of Chiba Prefecture, there are many shrines dedicated to Yamato Takeru no Mikoto and Ototachibana-hime―legendary hero and princess in ancient times. Before my move, I often visited places associated with them in Ichihara, Kisarazu, Kimitsu, Mobara, and other areas, reflecting on ancient times. 

My village is known as the place where Yamato Takeru no Mikoto cried out in longing for the late Ototachibana-hime. Maybe I romanticized my destiny too much, but I believe the two of them have guided me here. 

You might think it takes courage to move to a completely different place, but for the romantic reasons mentioned, I’ve never had any apprehensions. Every day, I look at the trees in the forest and encounter wild animals, birds, and insects. I don’t remember the last time I felt so deeply connected to life itself. I also feel grateful to be a part of the forest.







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