ジョウビタキ/Daurian Redstart





Today, I had lunch at a nice cafe near a murmuring brook, and then I went to Kazawa Park.

The Daurian Redstart makes a high-pitched sound like the brakes of a bicycle. I was able to take a photo of one walking through a parking lot.

At Kazawa-enchi Park, the broadleaf trees were starting to change color, and acorns were falling with a popping sound. Here, the leaves of the broadleaf trees first turn red, and then the leaves of the larch trees turn yellow, so you can enjoy the changing colors for a long time.


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ときどき軽井沢/Occasionally, Karuizawa




I go to Karuizawa about once a week to do shopping at a supermarket and then visit the library or a bookstore. The library has works by authors connected to Karuizawa and complete works by my favorite authors, which I sometimes borrow and read. I am intrigued by what many literary greats wrote while staying in their villas in Karuizawa. As I read, I envision the scenery of Karuizawa as it was in their time.

Yesterday, I stopped by a modern shopping mall, where I looked around the shops and ate a delicious sandwich on the terrace. After that, I went to Old Karuizawa to buy a uncommon gift, but unfortunately, my favorite shop was closed due to renovation, so I have to go back again.

On the way, I noticed that the leaves on the trees were starting to turn red and yellow, which were very beautiful.

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冬支度?/Getting Ready for Winter?





It has been very cold over the past few days, so I put out a kotatsu (a heating table).

Yesterday, I drove through Larch Hill and went to Tsumagoi Kogen Hot Spring. Thanks to the chloride spring, I was warmed to the core. There are many hot springs in the village, and their qualities vary. Before my friends come to visit, I want to try various hot springs so that I can show them around according to their preferences.

When I think about it, I remember how much fun I had visiting public baths when I was a student in Kyoto. There were many public baths around Kitashirakawa, and I used to cycle around them.

Now I enjoy looking at the hot spring map offered by the village and visiting the hot springs one by one to find my favorite. Thanks to the kind staff and easy-to-understand instructions, I feel grateful to be able to use the facilities without hesitation and to feel like a student again.

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キジ/Green Pheasants




In connection with the birds from yesterday’s blog, I will write about green pheasants. When I lived in Chiba, there were many green pheasants around, and they made sharp crowing calls that I really liked.

In spring, I was happy to hear the sounds of pheasants outside my window. I also enjoyed walking through the rice fields toward the calls. Gradually, I got better at spotting green pheasants, sometimes finding six or seven in a day.

The photo captures a male and female together.

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I ordered a bird coloring book. I hope that as I color, I will be able to notice the differences in the patterns.

Today, I am going to write about swans. A friend of mine, who loves birds, told me that swans fly toward an area near Inbanuma, Chiba, so I went to see them last December. Around 1,000 birds fly there from Russia every November and stay there until March.

There are whooper swans, tundra swans, and pintails. They flap their wings and chatter incessantly. Some young birds still have gray feathers. It is moving to think that the young birds have also flown 3,000 to 4,000 kilometers with them.


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After the bird-watching event, I started to pay more attention to the sounds of birds. Even when I am having tea on the balcony, I can’t concentrate on my tea because I can’t stop wondering, “What’s that bird call?”

I can see that there are a lot of birds, but they are so swift that it is difficult to take photos of them. I saw a squirrel today, but it did not fit into the photo. It looks like it will be a while before I can post photos of the birds and animals. I would like to start drawing based on some books in the near future, and that might happen sooner.

Even when I was in Chiba Prefecture, I loved watching birds. Today, I am posting photos of white-eyes that I took in Ichihara this spring. They look cute as well when they are upside down.

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北軽井沢駅舎/Kita-Karuizawa Station Building




The Kusakaru Electric Railway is a 55km highland railway that operated from 1915 to 1962, connecting Karuizawa and Kusatsu Onsen. The Kita-Karuizawa Station building was constructed in 1928, and even after the line was discontinued, it has been cherished and preserved by the local community. It still stands quietly today.

A nearby museum displays old tickets, equipment, and brochures advertising the villa area. No matter which item I chose, I felt the unique warmth of old materials and the charm that only handcrafted work could achieve. The craftsmanship was intricate, and the colors were sophisticated.

There are wonderful shops around the station building, creating an atmosphere that felt as if time had stopped. It was like stepping into a world straight out of a picture book.

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自然観察/Learning Nature




I thought that if I knew the names of the birds singing in the forest, I would be able to live a more exciting life, so I went on my first bird-watching trip. The bird-watching group was able to confirm 15 species of wild birds, but I couldn’t even confirm half of them. First, it was difficult to spot the birds, and even when I could find them, it was difficult to follow them with binoculars. I need to practice more from now on.

I learned a lot, not only about birds but also about plants. Also, since Mt. Asama was clearly visible today, I listened to a talk about the volcano. It was a dream-like experience where I made friends and learned about my favorite subject: nature.

When I got home, I sat down to study. I researched the birds I couldn’t identify, and also checked their sounds on the internet so that I could recognize them from their calls next time. While I was studying, a Daurian redstart came to visit the railing of the balcony. After walking around for a while, it flew off somewhere else.



(This is a photo of Mt. Asama. It will probably take some time before I can post pictures of birds.)

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浅間牧場/Asam Dairy Farm



The cows on Asama Dairy Farm look happy and relaxed on the large ranch. This farm is designed to raise cows by allowing them to graze on grass in cool conditions and get healthy before returning to their respective dairy farms.

To prevent the introduction of diseases from outside, visitors are only allowed to walk on designated promenades, except during guided tours. (It’s still quite spacious!)

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浅間山/Mt. Asama





When my parents visited my village early this month, I took many photos and made a photo book. The photo on the cover was taken from Asama Farm.

You can clearly see Mt. Asama in the picture. The photo book also includes selected images of Onioshidashi Park, the cabbage fields viewed from Aisai no Oka (hill), the scenery seen from Aisai no Kane (bell), Manza Onsen (hot spring), and Karuizawa.

Mt. Asama is often shrouded in clouds, so even when you are nearby, it may not always be visible. When it does appear, I am overwhelmed by its majestic and solumn presence. Although it is an active volcano with tremendous power, which might sound intimidating, I live my life trusting in its generousity and blessings that nurture the plants, bring rain, and shelter living creatures.

Still, not a day goes by without being mindful of the natural disasters that have occurred in the past. Mt. Asama teaches me that there are forces beyond human control, and it reminds me to respect the animals and plants that share its embrace and to live humbly in harmony with all of nature.

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森の夜/Night in the Forest




The first thing that struck me when I moved here was the size of the stars I could see. The stars in various constellations appear impressively large in the absence of light. You can see countless small stars around them, as well as the Milky Way. (I thought it was a cloud, but it turned out to be the Milky Way). On clear nights, you can see many shooting stars.

Today was the harvest moon. Although there were a lot of clouds, I could see the moon clearly. The round moon illuminated the night sky so brightly that I thought it was dawn. Usually, the forest is pitch black. The apperance of the sky is very different with and without the moon. Today, it looked exceptionally bright.

Wild rabbits and flying squirrels should be active at night, and there may also be snakes. The woods at night seem scary, and I dare not walk there after dark.

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There are many butterflies on the highlands. I enjoy taking pictures of butterflies and learning their names.

Butterflies that look identical at first glance sometimes prove to be different when I look closely, and the more I study them, the more confused I become. I also have to pay close attention to the underside of their wings.

I think the butterfly in the photo above belongs to the genus Pieris, but I am not sure whether it is a Pieris melete or a Pieris napi (green-veined white).

I believe the one in the photo below is an Argynnis paphia(silver-washed fritillary).



There are more than 10 species of fritillaries, but I can only notice the differences in their patterns when someone points them out to me, which makes me realize just how insensitive my eyes are.

There are also rare butterflies that exist only in the highlands, and there are people working to protect them and their habitats. I would like to learn more about butterflies and their conservation efforts.

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