Wheel and Axle

The wheel and axle consists of a round disc, called a wheel, and a smaller disc or rounded rod, called an axle, joined at the center so that they rotate together.

The wheel and axle can be viewed as a type of lever. It rotates around the center, so the center acts as the fulcrum. By turning the wheel, you can turn the axle with less force.

Door knobs, screwdrivers, faucets, and steering wheels are examples of the wheel and axle.

<The principle of the wheel and axle>

The force applied to the wheel times the radius of the wheel equals the force applied to the axle times the radius of the axle.






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A lever consists of a rigid bar and a fixed support. When you apply a force at one point on the lever, you can move or lift an object using less force.

<The three parts of a lever>

A lever has three parts.
Effort: where you apply a force
Load: where the force is applied to the object
Fulcrum: a fixed support

<The principle of levers>

The effort times its distance from the fulcrum equals the load times its distance from the fulcrum.

<Classes of levers>

First class: The fulcrum is somewhere between the load and the effort (e.g. a nail puller).
Second class: The load is somewhere between the fulcrum and the effort (e.g. a bottle opener).
Third class: The effort is somewhere between the load and the fulcrum (e.g. tweezers).









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Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is made mostly of hydrogen and helium.

Jupiter has more than sixty moons including Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Ganymede is the largest moon in our solar system.

The white, red, and brown stripes on the surface are swirling clouds. The Great Red Spot is a huge vortex.




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Endangered Species

When all the members of a species disappear from the earth, it is called extinction.
Species that are in danger of extinction are endangered species.

Animals can become extinct or endangered due to human activities.

For example, people destroy their habitats by cutting down forests or polluting air and water.
People also hunt animals for their fur, tusks, horns, skins, or feathers.

If one species becomes extinct, it will affect the entire ecosystem.

It is important to protect the environment where plants, animals, and other organisms, including humans, can live in harmony and save endangered species from extinction.






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Fish are vertebrates that breathe underwater by taking in oxygen through their gills.

Generally, fish are covered with scales and have several fins and a tail.
They also have a swim bladder which helps them float.

Many fish live in schools.




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Birds are vertebrates that have wings, legs, beaks, and feathers. They lay hard eggs.

Most birds can fly, but some birds such as penguins and ostriches can’t.

Birds of prey, such as hawks, eagles, and owls, hunt small animals.

Migratory birds migrate to warmer places in winter.





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Day 57: Quiz (5)

Translate the following sentences into Japanese.

1. What time is it now?
2. It is 8:24 p.m.
3. What time do you eat lunch?
4. I eat lunch at 12:15.
5. When are you going to go to Tokyo?
6. I go to work from Monday to Friday. (work=しごと shigoto
7. From what time to what time is the meeting?
8. How many hours long do you study Japanese?
9. I study two hours.
10. School is from April to March.

Possible answers

1. いま なんじですか。
Ima nan ji desu ka.
2. ごご 8じ 24ぷんです。/ごご はちじ にじゅうよんぷんです。
Gogo hachi ji nijuuyon pun desu.
3. なんじに ひるごはんを たべますか。
Nan ji ni hirugohan o tabemasu ka.
4. (わたしは) 12じ 15ふんに ひるごはんを たべます。/(わたしは) じ ゅうにじ じゅうごふんに ひるごはんを たべます。
(Watashi wa) juuni ji juugo fun ni hirugohan o tabemasu.
5. いつ とうきょうに いきますか。
Itsu Tokyo ni ikimasu ka.
6. (わたしは) げつようびから きんようびまで しごとに いきます。
(Watashi wa) getsu youbi kara kin youbi made shigoto ni ikimasu.
7. かいぎは なんじから なんじまでですか。
Kaigi wa nan ji kara nan ji made desu ka.
8. なんじかん にほんごを べんきょうしますか。
Nan jikan nihongo o benkyou shimasu ka.
9. (わたしは) 2じかん べんきょうします。/(わたしは) にじかん べんきょうします。
(Watashi wa) ni jikan benkyou shimasu.
10. がっこうは 4がつから 3がつまでです。/がっこうは しがつから さんがつまでです。
Gakkou wa shi gatsu kara san gatsu made desu.

You did great!

(If you did not do well, review the lessons from Day 51 to Day 56.)

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Day 54: You can say, “The class is from 1:00 to 3:00.” in Japanese.

Answer the following questions. You can round up or down the numbers.

きょうの にほんごの べんきょうは なんじかんですか。
Kyou no nihongo no benkyou wa nan jikan desu ka.

[          ]じかんです。([          ]jikan desu.)

なんじから なんじまでですか。Nan ji kara nan ji made desu ka.

[          ] から [         ]までです。([          ] kara [         ]made desu.)


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Day 52: You can say, “I get up at six.” in Japanese.

Answer the following questions. You can round up or down the numbers.

なんじに おきますか。(Nan ji ni okimasu ka.)
なんじに あさごはんを たべますか。(Nan ji ni asagohan o tabemasu ka.)

[        ]じに おきます。([        ]ji ni okimasu.)
[      ]じに あさごはんを たべます。([        ]ji ni asagohan o tabemasu.)

Good job!

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