Challenges of Country Life?/移住の悩み?

Summer here is cool and comfortable, but I hear that winters are extremely cold. Many people ask me if I am okay with the cold. I cannot say I am absolutely positive about this. However, given that my husband is from Hokkaido and that I have experienced temperatures of -20 degrees in the Alps region of Europe, where I lived when I was young, I am optimistic that things will work out. Rather, I am looking forward to seeing the beautiful snowy scenery and feeling the cold air sharpen my senses. Let’s check to see if it is really okay when winter actually comes.

Also, not a few people ask me if my country life is inconvenient. Strangely enough, I have never thought of it as an inconvenience, even though it is not convenient at all. It is true that there are no supermarkets or convenience stores within walking distance, so I have to take a car or a bus to run my errands. However, the scenery on the way there and back is so beautiful that I often arrive at my destination in a daze. Traveling itself is fun.

In addition, I am very grateful that a food delivery service comes from far away every week, which is very helpful. Apart from that, I also enjoy the process of going to my favorite store to choose my favorite vegetables. Shopping in person is an exciting experience.

Time passes here differently than it did in the city. I am discovering that behind the convenience, there is a lot of fun that I might have overlooked.

(The photo shows cabbage fields. Cabbage and corn are delicious here.)






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